You are likely aware the Canada Pension Plan will provide disability benefits before and after retirement to people who have sufficiently contributed to the CPP prior to becoming disabled.

Did you know that benefits may also be available to dependent children?

Children of people who are receiving CPP disability benefits can also receive a benefit. In 2019, each child under the age of 18 whose parent was receiving Canada Pension disability income qualified to receive just over $250 per month.

Children ages 18-25 who continue to pursue post-secondary education at qualifying schools may apply to continue receiving the benefit until age 25.

In the event the parent receiving CPP Disability passes away, the child benefit ends. However, there is a child survivor CPP benefit for which the child also can apply.

We recommend that the parent applies for the child at the same time an application is made for CPP disability benefits. Apply as soon as possible, because Service Canada will only pay up to 12 months prior.

Check out our list of additional disability planning considerations that may be beneficial to your family.